D elaware Digital offers businesses professionally produced HD videos optimized for TV, web and mobile viewing.

Company/Product Profiles

Create engaging and unscripted videos that provide your business with the opportunity to deliver a personal message to prospective and current customers.

Scripted Advertisements

Share your value proposition with a professionally written script and recorded voice-over that will educate viewers and deliver a compelling story about your company and/or products.

Customer Testimonials

Having existing customers or partners to communicate real experiences, video testimonials are a powerful way to build trust and credibility for your business.

Why Video?

According to Forrester, video increases the chance of a front-page Google result by 53 times.
Landing pages with professional video generate more engagement and higher response rates.
Given the choice between reading a full page of text or watching a short video, people prefer video.

Sample Videos


30 Second Video

Raise awareness
  • 1 Round Of Edits
  • 1 Location
  • Script Review

60 Second Video

Generate Interest
  • 2 Rounds Of Edits
  • 1 Location
  • Script Review

90 Second Video

Engage Potential Customers
  • 2 Rounds of Edits
  • 1 Location
  • Script Review

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